About Us

We are a small team of ambitious researchers, engineers and operators, working to accelerate discovery from data with deep neural network interpretability.

And we’re just getting started.

7 Teammates

Founded 2023


Jessica Rumbelow

Co-founder & CEO

Jugal Patel

Co-founder & COO

Robbie McCorkell


Advisory Board

Jamie Rumbelow

Engineering Advisor

Aaron DeYonker

Product Advisor

What we value


Our most valuable assets are the people we work with. We foster a culture of collaboration, respect, and support for each other, in the lab and outside of it.

Strong Opinions, Lightly Held

We must hold strong opinions to succeed. However, intellectual humility is just as important. We’re open to being wrong and persistently seek healthy debate and constructive criticism.

Founder Mindset

We are all owners of Leap. We understand how pivotal every one of us is to its success and take this responsibility personally. There is no job too small. No domain we do not touch.


We are grounded in real-world applications, not theoretical ones. Our focus is on solving real problems, and understanding our users so we can empower them with our technology.

Learning Mindset

We have a thirst for knowledge and a commitment to continuous learning. There are no dumb questions. We strive to create an environment that encourages curiosity.

Personal Drive

We are self-motivated with a strong desire for excellence, evident in our ability to take ownership of our focus area and deliver impactful solutions. We work hard.

Our backers

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